Counseling for First Responders
We get it: they don’t get it.
Trauma. Rage. Unhealthy coping practices. Burnout. Not words that you ever want to be associated with you. We provide counseling for first responders, and we get it. As a first responder, you’re the person who’s supposed to have it all together. You’re the one that everyone depends on. You see and experience things that no one should ever have to see or experience.
You make a joke, laugh, shrug it off, and move on. It’s just part of the job, right? You do the job so the world can continue in happy oblivion, clueless of what it takes to do what you do. And that’s a lonely place to be. The other people on the job get it. But they seem to be holding it all together. Maybe you look like you are, too.

You need some distance. You need the utmost confidentiality. You need counseling designed for first responders.
On the outside everything is fine. But on the inside… You’re struggling with anxiety and anger… so much anger. Your significant other doesn’t understand why you’re so quiet and distant, or why you fly into a rage at the strangest or smallest of provocations. You might feel unappreciated for what you do.
Or you might even feel fearful about what might happen next. The nightmares are more regular now and that heightened sense of danger is with you 24/7. Even when you know you can relax–you really can’t. You know there is counseling for First Responders, but the Employee Assistance Program is just a little too close to the job.
At The Sparrow Center, we get it.
We know the unique challenges that come with being a first responder and how to provide counseling that works for you. We can help you verbally process what you can and tell your story in a way that doesn’t re-traumatize you. Often hearing yourself tell your own story can be very healing. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) can help with the trauma that you can’t talk through or even comprehend. This allows you to process those events and turn them into “just things that happened” instead of events that you carry with you, constantly bothering you and, in effect, living in your nervous system.
At The Sparrow Center, all of our counselors are EMDR trained. Our counseling for First Responders can help you get your relationships back on track, identify what you need, and give you a voice to ask for it. You are tough enough to do the work and get the healing, and you deserve it.
We can help with that.