Couples Counseling
When it seems like every conversation ends in a fight and you find yourself walking on eggshells to try to avoid yet another confrontation, couples counseling can help with that.
When you struggle to be honest with each other or to communicate at all, couples counseling can help with that.
When you feel like you aren’t even on the same planet let alone the same page, couples counseling can help with that.
When it feels like the relationship has fallen into a rut and can’t get out no matter how hard you try, couples counseling can help with that.
When you’re feeling disconnected and lonely in the relationship, couples counseling can help that.

You will learn tools to help you communicate more effectively and build a strong and healthy relationship.
At The Sparrow Center, we understand the pain and loneliness that comes when your relationship is struggling and often getting worse. The frustration of just trying to survive and stay out of divorce court, falling into the same old patterns again and again. The stress, hopelessness, and feeling like everything is a struggle makes you wonder if it’s even worth it anymore. The same struggles, the same hurts, and the same issues keep showing up, sometimes year after year.
At The Sparrow Center, we believe that the relationship itself is the client. That means that we work hard to make sure that no one feels ganged up on or blamed and we guide you through your sessions in a way that makes you feel respected and gives you hope.
You can learn to laugh and play together again.
You can learn to talk, really talk, and share your hopes and dreams, connecting daily. You can learn how to “fight” constructively and no longer be afraid of conflict or engage in confrontation that hurts the relationship. You can learn to ask for what you want and begin to meet one another’s needs in a healthy way. You can learn how to forgive one another and move forward together, as a team, stronger and better than ever. Couples counseling can help.
We can help. Learn more about our Couples Therapist here.