Jen Knutson, MA MS
   Traditional Naturopath & Nutritionist

I have a passion for helping others believe that there is hope and there is healing.

I’ve worked with people that were so sick they couldn’t get out of bed. I’ve worked with others that for years felt helpless and frustrated and got diagnosis after diagnosis, being told there was nothing to do to get well – or that the way they were feeling was just something they had to accept because it wasn’t going to change, ever.

I know, through my work with them, plus my own personal journey with illness, that healing CAN happen when given the right environment to do so.

Jen Knutson, Naturopath & Nutritionist

I will work with you to set a wellness goal and then create a plan for achieving that goal.

I’m going to get a ton of information from you to better understand your health history, your environment, and the symptoms you are experiencing. While I work using natural tools, I also believe there is a place for conventional medicine, and I work in complement with it. I’m not going to tell you that you have to quit taking prescribed medications or that western medicine is terrible. I believe there is a balance between conventional and complementary medicine.

I have a unique combination of education and training in mental health, nutrition, and naturopathy.

I have a Masters in Psychology, a Masters in Health Studies, an advanced diploma in Nutritional Medicine, and another advanced diploma in Naturopathy. This education and training equip me with understanding how nutrition impacts mental health.

I genuinely believe the body (and mind) can heal when we give it the right environment to do so. As such, I focus on supporting the 7 Pillars of Health via natural tools. These include: Diet, Gut Health, Supplementation, Stress Management, Sleep, Detoxification and Exercise. When these areas are functioning optimally, we are capable of health and happiness and living a life where we thrive!

Apple representing nutrition

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