Treating Perimenopause & Menopause Naturally

Treating perimenopause and menopause naturally really can happen.

Is it you or your hormones?

You feel like a stranger in your skin. Once upon a time you were happy, vibrant, and enjoyed life, but life now seems a little duller and harder. You feel depressed and frustrated. Sometimes there isn’t a specific reason as to why your mood is low, yet you just can’t get yourself out of the funk. Other times you feel so uncomfortable in your skin because you have stacked on weight, even though you aren’t eating or exercising any differently. You are being more mindful of what you put in your mouth and moving more, yet the scale continues to creep up.

Your doctor tells you this is all normal.

When you go to the doctor to explain these things and share that you are experiencing anxiety, having difficulty sleeping, and getting intense hot flashes, you are met with “It’s just part of getting older.” You feel incredibly invalidated and unheard.  Having so many years of life left you wonder if you just have to accept that how you’re feeling will be your new normal.  The thought of being stuck with irritability, mood swings, nonexistent libido, weight gain, or any of the other crazy symptoms of perimenopause and menopause is depressing.

Scale representing weigh gain during peri/menopause
Couple frustrated about lack of intimacy because of hormonal imbalance

You’re not feeling and acting how you used to.

Perhaps you’re feeling guilty because you aren’t showing up for your spouse and family the way that you used to. They are no longer getting the version of you that they are used to.  Despite your best efforts to change, you simply can’t be present and there for them in the same capacity as before. Perhaps the relationship with your partner is also suffering because sex is the last thing on your mind. When you do have it, or try to anyway, it is painful. That makes you want it even less.

You don’t want the rest of your life to be like this.  Having your old self back is what you crave.  Showing up in all of your relationships as the best version of yourself is what you want.

You just want to live and experience life the way you used to.

There is hope and change is possible.

We at The Sparrow Center have a Traditional Naturopath that helps treat perimenopausal and menopausal women naturally.  Even if you feel like you no longer recognize yourself she can help – there is hope.  You are not destined for a life of mood swings, weight issues, sleep disturbances, and low libido.

We listen and we KNOW you are right.

Our clients feel heard and seen. They learn that change is possible and they can feel happy, energetic, and vibrant again. Our clients tell us what a relief it is to know that something can be done.  They love finding they don’t have to be stuck feeling the way they are. They get excited about the possibilities that feeling better physically and emotionally will bring. The best part? We can do it all naturally.

Woman looking in the mirror recognizing a new version of herself after balancing hormones naturally in menopause

If you are ready to start feeling like you again and to truly experience life to the fullest, contact us to book your initial consultation.

Book your initial consultation for naturopathic care and get started on your hormone-healing journey so you can thrive and enjoy all that life has to offer.